Friday, July 11, 2008

July 11, 2008

Logan man had his 18 month checkup at 7:50 am. He is actually 18 1/2 months old. What was I thinking agreeing to 7:50 during the summer?? We made it, and we were even on time. Logan went from our little 3 pound baby to 25 pounds. He is in the 35th percentile for his weight. He is 31 inches long. He is so cute, but so little legs. He is in the 20th percentile for his height. Aren't we all in the Murphy family. I love you Brian. :) Good thing today is there were no shots. Aubrey was a great help in the doctor's office. She got a Hannah Montana sticker and Logan got a car sticker which he destroyed before we got to the car. Aubrey's sticker still looks perfect. Another Murphy thing. :)

After being so good at the doctor we went to play at the park in Waxahachie. We played, well I ran around chasing Logan and they played. Aubrey tried the monkey bars, but didn't have the best luck. She will get it soon I bet because there are monkey bars at her school playground. After leaving the park because Mommy was exhausted we went to get Aubrey some uniforms. She got a skirt and 2 shirts. She wanted to wear her shirt home. She looks so cute. I can't wait for her to start! Well, I guess I would like to prolong it a little bit because that means I have to go back to work. I think Logan will have a hard time with me leaving. I love his daycare though so I know he will be in good hands and we have great back up. Logan loves Mrs. Cathy. They are the best buds.

Logan is taking a nap now and Aubrey is wanting to play a game on the computer. She logs herself into the computer. I made the pbs website her homepage and she will play forever. I have to ask her to get off to go play or find something else to do. Now she is asking me to get off the computer and find something else to do. Does telling your parents what to do really start at age 4. Sorry mom!


R and R Stacy said...

That's too funny! I bet she's going to be so cute in her school uniform. 5 weeks will be here sooner than you know it. ugh! Back to getting up before 7AM. L's appointment is next week. No shots yay!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that he is getting so big!!!! Yeah! Glad you got a blog :)