Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aubrey's 5th Birthday Party

Aubrey turned five the first week of Kindergarten. We had her party Saturday. She told Kathy Petty that she wanted to have her party at her house. Aubrey and Kathy have been planning a Hannah Montana birthday party for a month. Aubrey said we need to have pizza, salad, and lots of water. We ordered pizza, had salad and lots of water. We got other drinks too. Aubrey wrote her invitations out and has been very instrumental in planning her party. The morning of her party at 11:00 Aubrey, Samantha, Whitney, Aunt Jennifer and I went to Libby Lou at Parks Mall in Arlington. The girls got to dress up, they got their hair, nails, and make up done. They made their own lotion, body scrub, and fragrance spray. They had so much fun. Aubrey and Whitney got to dance at the end. The video is of Whitney and Aubrey at Libby Lou dancing.

After Libby Lou we ate lunch at Chick Fil A so Aubrey could get fruit and sweet tea. We headed back to Red Oak to go to her party. A few of the girls and a boy from Aubrey's class came to her party. Craig, Erica, Noah, Jordan, Stephanie, Brandon, Miranda, Ashley, Layni, Brandy, Justin, Kaityly, Ashleigh, Abby, and more of our family and friends were there. One of Kathy's friend's daughter dressed up like Hannah Montana. Each of the girls got a boa when they came in the door. There was a karaoke machine that the girls danced and sang to. They played and then ate pizza. Aubrey got many great presents for all our friends and family. Aubrey had been asking for Baby Alive and a Hannah Montana guitar. Mimi got her Baby Alive and Grannie and Miranda got her the Hannah Montana guitars. The two guitars are different and Aubrey is playing with both of them all the time. She got Hannah Montana toys and clothes. Bo and Kathy gave her a hot pink go cart. She loved it, and so did Logan. Logan did not want to get out of the seat. Aubrey had a great birthday. Thank you to all our friends and family. You guys are the best!! We love ya'll.


R and R Stacy said...

So cute! Happy belated Birthday Aubrey! Love the dance!

momto3_jjj said...

Hey Kristi,

I can't believe how big Aubrey is. I remember when ~LL~ kept her and seeing her and Logan over at Kimmie's. Hope she continues to love school! We sure miss Life School! Congrats on your promotion!